Monday, September 29, 2008

Wedding Crasher.

wedding. marriage.
The words I absolutely cant stand being brought up around me at the moment.
(that and the word moist...EW!!)
But, for some reason wedding and marriage has been all around me lately.
I don't know if it's a sign that I need to get married right now or if people just like to bug me with it.
I'll start with the weddings I have been to recently...
I have been to 2 weddings in the past 2 weeks and I have 1 more in a week or so.
That means sitting through another dumb typical mormon reception, which, I can't stand.
I mean when people can start telling exactly what's going to happen at the reception we have a serious problem...
The reception:
-a picture movie playing about 3 or 4 country songs that everyone always picks.
-either crescent roll sandwhichs or fruit you can dip in chocolate.
-quick dance between the couple making everyone stand there and watch.
-the couple sitting in line for like 3 hours greeting the neverending population of mormon friends.
-eating the nasty gross cake that is hard as a rock and hardly tastes like cake at all.
I'm just saying if I can call what exactly is going to happen in that 3 hours of time then why do I have to go anyways. I mean, I can congradulate them any time after their honeymoon and give them their gift on my own time without having to take time out of my life to sit there doing nothing exciting at all.
You can call me selfish. When it comes to mormon receptions I would rather throwup in my mouth and swallow it then half to go to another one. I think the only reason I continue to go to them is because I do like dressing up sometimes and maybe just maybe there will be a cute single boy there (but mormon receptions guest list, atleast in Utah, consist of married people or people about to get married or people who brought dates...NOONE EVER GOES ALONE except me.).
I don't wanna sound to down on my friends and family who have done mormon receptions in the past or who are planning one in the near future, I just know I will not be one to fall into that category.
More reason's why it's been in my life more...
So, I'm 21 I'll be 22 in February and in Utah years that's pretty old maybe even spinster status when it comes to not being married yet. I mean once you pass 19 either something is wrong with you or your being pressured to hurry and find someone to get married too.
My family for instants, I love them to death, but recently they have been letting me know that I am getting to that age where I should probably start looking in the direction of finding a mate, my other half. My whole family has never been like this in the 21 years of our knowing eachother. They have always said, "Your time will come, dont rush it, live life, blah blah blah." So, it's weird to me that they are now, not necessarily pushing, but encouraging me to start maybe looking in that direction.
Not only do I have my family saying this stuff, but I happened to go to a friends single's ward on BYU campus and realized that that's all they talk about at the wards. It was all about girls start inviting good RM's in your life cook them dinner and play some games. Guys, you need to stop being pimps and players and start looking for those ladies who are going to be your one and only. Pretty much they are saying, you people are getting older and you need to start acting like it.
Also, I find myself planning my wedding. With all this wedding talk it's hard not to think about what I'm gonna do for mine. Maybe it's because I have been to so many mormon receptions i want mine to be better and perfect and to make a perfect wedding it takes some time to plan it might as well get it started, UNLESS somehow without actually knowing I somehow know I'll be getting married sometime in the near future...
I take these as signs in letting me know I should probably start looking and getting ready for that marriage age, but I don't want too. I mean I wouldn't mind having a boyfriend, but I feel way to immature and to young to get married right now. I like to have fun and honestly I have only lived 21.5 years of my long life I still have a while before I need to get married and have a family. I mean think about how much life I have to live, I can wait. Not saying that if the so called "RIGHT GUY" comes along I wont get myself married, I'm just saying that I dont need to look for him. I'm gonna keep on playing and living life to its fullest and maybe that guy will come along eventually.
Right now, I think why I'm venting about marriage and wedding and all that jazz is because I'm sick of watching everyone get hitched and I'm still alone....even the younger kiddies are getting married.
I don't know if any of this makes sense to any of you, it makes sense to me in my head. All I know is I am very content with MY life, who's in it, and where I'm going.
I guess marriage comes when it come and I'll be as ready as I can be.


bb,tonya and cam... said...

oh ash lol. You know even non mormon weddings do the cake and the first fact thats a non mormon tradition! :) but i am sure that when you do get married you will love however it turns out, cause its not really about the wedding, its about what you are actually doing.

Don't stress about getting married ash! It will happen when you are ready for it. that is one lesson that I learned. Heavenly Father prepares you for marriage right before it is your will know. For now though hun, just move in the direction that you want you life to go and stay open to the thought of marriage and it will come your way when you are ready and its your time!

Love you lots!

Aubrey Kilpatrick said...

Oh Ash you sound like a bitter and cynical old woman!! haha! Thanks for supporting my mormon wedding ;) jk. No really Ash you will know when your ready for marriage and based on the Rant you just gave your not ready... it's not always about you once you get married its them them them... enjoy your time with you. Marriage is wonderful and I wouldn't trade it for the anything. But dearie you live in Utah dont expect to go to a Utah wedding and not get those things.... if you want yours different then fine... but enjoy theirs as well... they invited you because they want your support... you dont necessarily need to support there taste in wedding reception... just support there choice in marrying there eternal companion... Thats what the wedding day is all about! Love ya girl! Hang in there... and again DO THINGS FOR YOU!

Molly said...

my wedding is completely planned as well.
while i HATE the idea of getting married soon, i still LOVE to plan my wedding. i'm definitely lacking consistency.

Al & Whitney said...

DUDE!!! That was my reception and you know it was off the hook!! NO lame ass country music at my mormon wedding. lol